Sunday, June 29, 2008

*SoMeOnE nEeDs tO FiNd A HoBbY*

So Bryce and I were leaving this morning and as we were driving away we saw that my car window was broken. I ran over to the car to make sure my cd's were still there and they were (which I am so thankful for). I called the police to file a report...after about 30 minutes of waiting he finally showed up. He said they already had 4 other calls this morning for the same thing. Right as he was pulling away from our house a guy drove up and said that one of his car windows were broken too!

It just amazes me that some kids don't have anything better to do than drive around and break peoples windows. They don't have a care in the world, they don't have to pay for anything because their parents do and they don't even think twice about what it does or how it affects other people.

Sorry to vent but I'm just upset about the whole's just the last thing we need right now. Anywho...I just hope they find the immature *&#*%(#% and they pay for what they did...Karma is a you know what!

Monday, June 23, 2008

*FuN iN tHe SuN*

Hi Sky!

Sky and Grandpa Isaac at his pool

Grandpa Isaac, he is so cute! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

*BrYcE's BrOthEr-WiL's wEdDiNg*

Starting from the left: me, Bryce, Bryce's brother Seth, Bryce's Mom Camie, Bryce's brother Cody, Bryce's sister Brianne, Bryce's brother Wil, and the rest I don't know lol

Happy couple! Wil and April

I love this picture of Bryce's brothers Seth and Cody

*MeMoRiAL dAy WeEkEnD*

So we went camping Memorial Day weekend with Bryce's family up Ogden Canyon. We had a lot of fun just loungin' around and enjoying the outdoors! It's one of our favorite things to do in the summer...CAMP!

Bryce and his younger brother Cody

Me not wanting that picture taken!


Friday, June 20, 2008

*I LoVe BeiNg aN AuNt*

So tonight we had a BBQ over at my sister Hailey's house, it was getting late so she was putting Sky and Chayse to bed. I went in and laid on Chaysen's bed with him, Sky, and Hay. He has a little turtle that lights up stars on the ceiling and I asked him what his name is and he said Geeno! lol
Hay told him to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for me and he kept singing goofy things.

She left and took Sky to bed so I stayed and started singing all the songs that my mom used to sing to me (You Are My Sunshine, The Rainbow Song, The Rabbit Song etc.) he started singing Twinkle Twinkle really quiet and it was so precious! He laid there and listened to me sing a few songs to him, it was a special moment :)

I am so excited to have kids, put them to bed every night and sing those songs to them!!!

*SkY HaNgiNg oUt WiTh DaD*

Like father, like son

Vroom vroom!

*FaThEr'S DaY*

Show those teeth Kosy!
Hold me mom!
Granny's 86 and still hip!

*MaRcUs & Me*

So because I deleted my entire blog - pictures and all I decided to post this picture again because I like it :)

I went to Wiseguys (a comedy club in west valley) with a bunch of my friends a few weeks ago. We saw Marcus who is on Last Comic Standing. He was HILARIOUS! Everyone was laughing the entire time and it was probably the funniest comedy act I've ever seen. I haven't had a chance to watch the show but I'm sure he will go far, if not win! I would definitely recommend watching the show to see him!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

*MaR iS LoVin' SuMmEr*


My NiEcE MarLey aT hEr DaNcE PeRfOrMaNce

*PoOr LiTtLe GuY*

My nephew Koston has been sick his whole life with allergies etc. He had a feeding tube put in about a month ago because he wasn't gaining any weight but pulled it out! He's doing much better and looks great now :)

*OuR WeDdiNg DaY ApRiL 14, 2007*