Saturday, April 19, 2008

*7 RaNdOm fAcTs AbOuT gEntRy*

1. I absolutely HATE when people POKE me - tap me - NUDGE me - or SMACK my butt! :)
(Remember: don't POKE me once, POKE me twice!!! (Anyone who was at my wedding will understand this lol)

2. I've never had the CHICKEN POX. Yep, I know crazy huh? I had the chicken pox shots so hopefully I never get it! :::cRoSs mY FiNgErS:::

3. Gotta love the cHiCk FliCkS * I hate hoRRor-WAR-or any movie that doesn't make me feel ***FUZZY*** inside :)

4. My TOP 5 celebrity men that I think are soo sexy:

*Matthew McConaughey
*Jude Law
*Brad Pitt
*Johnny Depp
*Orlando Bloom

5. I started writing PoEtRy about 6 years ago - I go through spurts and haven't written for probably over a year ^ I'll post some for you to read though :)

6. I LOVE popcorn, juicy STEAK, anything with potatoes, cauliflower, and of course chocolate -YUMMY

7. My dream vacation is AUSTRALIA. I *will* go there some day!


Heidi and Judd said...

Hey Gent-
I'm so excited you have a blog now! How fun to stay in touch! Keep us updated on your fun little family!

The Strong Family said...

Hey Gentry, my dream vacation is Australia too! I am just dying to go there. I really want to go next year if at all possible.

Katie Corbridge said...

Hey Gentry! Long time no see! You and your hubby are so cute together! I'll be adding you to my friends blog list! BTW... I HATE it when people poke me too - so annoying!!!